I badly wanted to know why exactly this plant had come into my house and has taken over the place of our conventional beverages. There is virtually no home you enter now that has an adult that you wouldn’t find this Moringa plant; literary speaking. It shocked me to know that this plant can treat well over 200 diseases of which i could only list a few
Moringa is a
plant that is native to the sub-Himalayan areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
and Afghanistan. It is also grown in the tropics. The leaves, bark, flowers,
fruit, seeds, and root are used to make medicine.
Moringa is used for :-
Moringa is used for :-
“tired blood” (anemia);
*Arthritis and other joint pain (rheumatism);
*Stomach pain;
*Stomach and intestinal ulcers;
*Intestinal spasms;
*Heart problems;
*High blood pressure;
*Kidney stones;
*Fluid retention;
*Thyroid disorders;
*and bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infections.
Moringa is also used to :-
*Reduce swelling,
*Increase sex drive (as an aphrodisiac),
*Prevent pregnancy,
*Boost the immune system,
*and increase breast milk production.
Some people use it as a nutritional supplement or tonic.
Moringa is sometimes applied directly to the skin as a germ-killer or drying agent (astringent). It is also used topically for treating pockets of infection (abscesses), athlete’s foot, dandruff, gum disease (gingivitis), snakebites, warts, and wounds.
Oil from moringa seeds is used in foods, perfume, and hair care products, and as a machine lubricant.
Moringa is an important food source in some parts of the world. Because it can be grown cheaply and easily, and the leaves retain lots of vitamins and minerals when dried, moringa is used in India and Africa in feeding programs to fight malnutrition. The immature green pods (drumsticks) are prepared similarly to green beans, while the seeds are removed from more mature pods and cooked like peas or roasted like nuts. The leaves are cooked and used like spinach, and they are also dried and powdered for use as a condiment.
Moringa is sometimes applied directly to the skin as a germ-killer or drying agent (astringent). It is also used topically for treating pockets of infection (abscesses), athlete’s foot, dandruff, gum disease (gingivitis), snakebites, warts, and wounds.
Oil from moringa seeds is used in foods, perfume, and hair care products, and as a machine lubricant.
Moringa is an important food source in some parts of the world. Because it can be grown cheaply and easily, and the leaves retain lots of vitamins and minerals when dried, moringa is used in India and Africa in feeding programs to fight malnutrition. The immature green pods (drumsticks) are prepared similarly to green beans, while the seeds are removed from more mature pods and cooked like peas or roasted like nuts. The leaves are cooked and used like spinach, and they are also dried and powdered for use as a condiment.
A review of Moringa's power packed nutrition:
Here is a nutritional breakdown of Fresh Moringa Leaves: 7 times the Vitamin C of Oranges; 4 times the Calcium of Milk; 3 times the Potassium of Bananas; 2 times the Protein of Yogurt; 4 times the Vitamin A of Carrots; and ¾ the iron of Spinach.
Moringa leaves when dried become a even greater, powerhouse of nutrition containing: ½ the Vitamin C of Oranges; 17 times the Calcium of Milk; 15 times the Potassium of Bananas; 9 times the Protein of Yogurt; 25 times the Vitamin A of Carrots; and 20 times the Iron in Spinach. All elements except the Vitamin C is increased when you dry the leaves in the shade. Drying the leaves in direct sunlight decreases its nutritional values.
How Moringa and Artemisia Annua Leaves benefit AIDS Patients:
There are health projects going on in Tanzania, Musoma, and other areas. There is a real AIDS crisis in these areas. In these AIDS cases, the doctors have found that the combination of two herbs, Moringa and Artemisia Annua, improved the energy, stamina, and CD4 counts of the AIDS patients. Some of their patients came in so weak, they were not able to walk or care for themselves. They improved so dramatically that many were able to go back to work and many stayed to help the incoming patients. These dramatic improvements were documented over and over again by the doctors in these health projects.
How the herbs were used in the treatment protocols:
The physicians combined dried Moringa Leaves with Artemisia Annua and then added one heaping teaspoonful of the powder to make a tea. A liter of tea using 5 grams of the powder was given 3 times a day to the patient while the symptoms were acute. Later when the patients improved, it was reduced to a cup a day. When you consider the super nutrition in Moringa leaves, it is easy to understand how the Aids patients would improve. The power packed nutrition would bolster their immune function, strength, stamina and ability to live a more normal active life.
Moringa does NOT cure AIDS but helps the AIDS patient live longer and improves their quality of life and health. Often the AIDS patient does not die from AIDS, but from one of the opportunist infections that prey on their compromised immune system.
Moringa Leaves and its effects on blood pressure, blood sugar, breast milk production, and anemia:
In India, the leaves are used to normalize blood pressure and to treat anxiety. In 1994, a team of researchers identified a new nitride and mustard oil glycoside that demonstrated its ability to lower blood pressure.
An infusion of the leaf is used to reduce sugar levels though not as effectively as the standard hypoglycemia medicine.
Moringa leaves mixed with honey then followed with coconut milk drunk 2 to 3 times a day is used for diarrhea, dysentery and colitis.
Moringa leaves have been observed and documented by doctors in the health projects to increase breast milk production and the health of nursing mothers. This is due to the nutrition in the leaves especially the protein, calcium, and iron content.
Given to failure to thrive infants, it encourages weight gain and improved health due to the super packed nutritional content of the leaves.
Moringa leaves are given to improve anemia in infants, children and adults because of its high iron content. Iron tablets cause stomach distress, constipation, and are difficult to digest. Iron tablets are not easy to obtain in these poor communities. Given their compromised digestive systems due to malnutrition, the iron tablets would most likely not even be utilized by the body.
Researchers have not identified all the various elements in the plant that affect these health problems. It may be that in the overall improvement of the patient's nutritional status that these imbalances are corrected. Improved nutrition supports the patient's own body mechanisms to heal and correct these conditions.
Wow! Dis was educatin 2me...am gonna try dryin d leaves. We plantd d tree bt it mainly my parents dat take d leaves bt 4rm dis enlightenment nw, I wud start takin d leaves
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