Thursday, 12 September 2013


          I have been so unease with myself since I left the children. I couldn’t touch anything. I felt guilty extending a hand shake. All I wanted to do was get home and wash up. I really don’t  mean to sound the way I am sounding but I’m sure when I’m done with this write up you would understand why I said what I have said.

          I visited an orphanage home today. It was amazing. A friend of mine rang me up and a few other friends. On arrival, it took awhile for me to adjust to the kids because they were not the “kind” of kids I am used to. I wasn’t sure how to talk to them, how to play with them, how to scold them (if I should at all). It was all mixed feelings. It didn’t take long after before my charm started exuding and the kids were all over me. Did I mention I’m a natural? Kids just love me. I can’t help it.
          On a more honest note, I took me awhile to get comfortable with the kids because these little children were unkempt and very untidy. Some I doubt have had their mouth brushed in days. One of the little girls even pointed out another little girl who doesn’t have her teeth brushed because she simply doesn’t like brushing. It pricked my heart because the so called “nurse” (who really is an attendant by the way) has a son there. A very neat and Handsome little boy. The question running through my  at that time was if this “nurse” who is suppose to be the caretaker can take such good care of her child, what’s stopping her from extending that same care to these children? Believe me these children have almost everything they need to measure up with privileged children in the society. People constantly supply these homes with foodstuffs, provisions, and clothes. What happens to these things? I won’t be surprised to find out her child benefits more from the provision than the orphans themselves-I’m just saying.
          The whole essence of this is to create awareness for these children. They do need the assistance from the public. Not just in monetary and provision terms, but also in terms of ‘helps’. They need sincere God fearing caretakers. Persons who are not concerned much about the pay but really about the welfare of the children. When the love is sincerely there, cleanness of these children would not be an issue. The health of these children would not be an issue. A whole lot of things would be directly and indirectly addressed. I care for children and more for these orphans. Let’s all see to it that these children, no matter what orphanage home, despite their lack of parents, get the best out of life. Help a child!


Anonymous said...

Trust me takin care of children @ d orphanage isn't exactly easy so pls wen u c dis post, u can volunteer 2b of help 2dem

Anonymous said...

Jst 2b clear, I meant any1 dat reads dis post can volunteer 2b of help. Der are a lot of orphanages in Bnin and elsewher too

ADMIN said...

Well said.

Thank you for reading.